6th International Scientific Conference
on Innovations in Digital Economy:

17 - 18 October, 2024

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

50 Novorossiyskaya Str.,
50th studying building (Ploshchad Muzhestva metro station),
194021, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

The destruction and restructuring of economic ties between countries, the delayed consequences of the implementation of measures to support economies during the spread of COVID-19, the restructuring of global supply chains have led to the emergence of new opportunities and risks for the development of the digital economy. On the one hand, rising prices for components and technologies or their unavailability significantly complicate the transition to Industry 4.0. On the other hand, the crisis is an opportunity for the development of digital technologies that will significantly increase the efficiency of organizations. Therefore, the purpose of the conference is to discuss the development of the digital economy and Industry 4.0 and present the latest scientific and practical results on this topic. We are confident that the community of participants in our conference is the key to spreading knowledge and promoting international cooperation. Join us from 17 to 18 October 2024!


Scientific Committee

  • Schepinin Vladimir Engelevich Candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor, director of Institute of industrial management, economics and trade at Peter the Great Polytechnic University, Russia
  • Rodionov Dmitrii Grigorievich Doctor of economic sciences, professor, director of Graduate School of Industrial Economics at Peter the Great Polytechnic University, Russia
  • Mohammed Ali Berawi , Doctor of Philosophy, associate professor, director of Center for Sustainable Infrastructure Development (CSID) Universitas Indonesia, director of ASEAN University Network – Sustainable City and Urban Development (AUN-SCUD), Indonesia
  • Victorova Natalia Gennadievna, Doctor of economic sciences, associate professor at Graduate School of Industrial Economics at Peter the Great Polytechnic University, Russia

  • Aiganysh Saiakbaeva, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Finance, Kyrgyz national university named after Jusup Balasagyn, Kyrgyzstan
  • Alberto Tron, Adjunct Professor of Corporate Finance, Department of Finance, Boccony University, Milan, Italy
  • Aleksei M. Gintciak, Head of Laboratory "Digital Modeling of Industrial Systems" at Peter the Great Polytechnic University, Russia
  • Americo Barbosa da Cunha Junior, D.Sc. in Applied Mechanics, D.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Associate professor in Applied Mathematics Department, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Anderson Catapan, Ph.D, Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Parana, Brazil
  • Andrey Zaytsev, Doctor of economic sciences, associate professor, professor at Graduate School of Industrial Economics, Peter the Great Polytechnic University, Russia
  • Andrey Efremov, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Economic Informatics, Belarusian state university of informatics and radioelectronics, Belarus
  • Anis Alamshoev, Ph.D in Economics, associate professor at Tajik State Finance and Economics University, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
  • Abdullo Habibovich Mirazizov, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Finance and Credit, Russian-Tajik (Slavonic) University, Tajikistan
  • Bahrom Gulmatovich Safarov, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Vice Rector on Science, Tajik State University of Finance and Economics, Tajikistan
  • Chen Fangruo, Ph.D, Dean of the Antai College of Economics & Management at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
  • Cristina Sousa, Ph.D in Economics, Director of REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies and Assistant Professor at Universidade Portucalense, Portugal
  • Diego Augusto, Ph.D in Production Engineering, De Jesus Pacheco Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Dott. Antonio Messeni Petruzzelli, Ph.D, Associate Professor in Innovation Management and co-founder of the Innovation Management Group at the Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy
  • Eduarda Pinto Ferreira, Ph.D in Science Engineering, Full Professor, Mathematic, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Poliécnico do Porto, Porto, Portugal
  • Ekaterina Koroleva, Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, associate professor at Graduate School of Industrial Economics, Peter the Great Polytechnic University, Russia
  • Elena Rytova, Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at Graduate School of Industrial Economics, Peter the Great Polytechnic University, Russia
  • Elena Sharafanova, Doctor of economics sciences, professor, professor of the Department of Economic Security, St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Russia
  • Elena B. Tishchenko, Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor, Deputy Head for Research at the Department of Economics of Innovation, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
  • Eunice Omolola Olaniyi, PhD, Centre for Maritime Studies, University of Turku, Turku, Finland
  • Fabio Luiz Peres Krykhtine, D.Sc. in Production Engineering, Professor in Industrial Engineering Department, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Grogore Belostecinic, Rector of ASEM, Halibitated Doctor, University Professor, Academician, Moldova
  • Gospodarik Catherine, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Analytical Economics and Econometrics Department, Belarussian State University, Belarus; Professor at the Department of Business Analysis, Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation, Russia
  • Gunnar Klaus Prause, PhD, School of Business and Governance, Department of Business Administration, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia
  • Gül İpek Tunç, Ph.D in Economics, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Department of Economics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
  • Igor Lyukevich, Doctor of economic sciences, associate professor, associate professor at Graduate School of Industrial Economics, Peter the Great Polytechnic University, Russia
  • Iryna A. Karachun, Ph.D in Economics, Docent Belarusian State University, Economic Faculty Head of the Digital Economy Department Minsk, Belarus
  • Isti Surjandari Prayitno, Ph.D., CQE., Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
  • James K.C. Chen, Ph.D, Doctor of Philosophy, Asia University Taiwan, Taiwan
  • Jessica V Lichy, Ph.D in International Marketing,Research Professor at the IDRAC Business School, Lyon, France
  • Josef Windsperger, Ph.D in Economics, Associate Professor of Organization and Management in Department of Business Decisions and Analytics, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
  • Juan Manuel Montes Hincapie, Ph.D, associate professor at Universidad de Medellín, Colombia
  • Juaneda-Ayensa Emma, Ph.D, Business and Economics Department, La Rioja University (Spain)
  • Luis Borges Gouveia, Full Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, University Fernando Pessoa, Porto, Portugal
  • Marco Avarucci, Ph.D, professor at Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, UK
  • Marina V. Bolsunovskaya, Candidate of technical sciences, head of Laboratory "Industrial Systems for Streaming Data Processing", Peter the Great Polytechnic University, Russia
  • Mariana Mateeva Petrova, D.Sc in Physics and Mathematics, Leading Researcher, D.A. Tsenov Academy of Economics: Svishtov, Bulgaria
  • Mathukumalli Vidyasagar, Ph.D. in electrical engineering, Distinguished Professor in Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India
  • Natalia Victorova, Doctor of economic sciences, associate professor, professor at Graduate School of Industrial Economics, Peter the Great Polytechnic University, Russia
  • Olga Labeyko, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Dean of the Department of Economic and Law, Baranovichi State University, Belarus
  • Peng Delei, Ph.D, Associate Professor at School of Business and Deputy Director of International Affairs Office at East China University of Science and Technology, China
  • Sargu Lilia, Associate professor, Ph.D in Economics, University of European Studies of Moldova, Republic of Moldova
  • Saiakbaeva Aiganysh, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Finance, Kyrgyz national university named after Jusup Balasagyn, Kyrgyzstan
  • Sergey Demin, Doctor of economics sciences, associate professor, professor at department of management of high-tech systems, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Russia
  • Sergey Sosnovskikh, Ph.D, Lecturer in Business and Management at Leicester Castle Business School, De Montfort University (Leicester, United Kingdom)
  • Stefanella Boatto, D.Sc. in Physics, Associate professor in Applied Mathematics Department, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Susanne Durst, Ph.D in Business Economics, Professor of Management, Department of Business Administration, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia
  • T. Yuri Zagloel, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Tamara Shabunina, Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, Senior Researcher at Institute for Problems of Regional Economics RAS, Russia
  • Tatiana Mokeeva, Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at Graduate School of Industrial Economics, Peter the Great Polytechnic University, Russia
  • Valentina Lagasio, Ph.D, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
  • Viktoria Zazerskaya, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Brest State Technical University, Belarus
  • Wang Yinchun, Ph.D, Head of department of science, technology and society at Shanghai Institute for Science of Science, China
  • Xiaorong Li, Ph.D.& DBA, Associate Professor at Nanjing University, China
  • Xinpeng Xu, Ph.D in Economics, Professor of Economics, Faculty of Business, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
  • Yi Zhang, Ph.D, Lecturer at the Centre for Artificial Intelligence & School of Software, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

Organizing Committee

  • Darya Kryzhko, assistant at Graduate School of Industrial Economics, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia

  • Valentina Mitrofanova, assistant at Graduate School of Industrial Economics, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia
  • Olesya Starchenkova, specialist - Educational laboratory "Modeling and digitalization of socio-economic systems", Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia
  • Victoria Brazovskaia, assistant at Graduate School of Industrial Economics, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia
  • Valeria Arteeva, assistant at Graduate School of Industrial Economics, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia

Conference partners



Conference on Innovations in Digital Economy

17 - 18 October, 2024

Conference coordinator:
Kryzhko Daria Alexandrovna
2802, 50th studying building, Novorossiyskaya 50, 194021
10:00 - 18:00

Important dates

Paper submission deadline
Paper submission deadline (Mathematics, SDEE)
Deadline for author registration

Conference fee

Free of charge

participation in the conference as a listener

1000 plus tax - APC for publishing in special issue in accordance with the IJTech’s policy

The terms of participation:
  • Author presents paper at the conference.
  • Next, if the paper successfully passess conference review stage and IJTech review stage, authors provide APC (article processing charge) for the publication in special issue.
The terms of participation:
  • Author presents paper at the conference.
  • Next, if the paper successfully passess conference and journals review stage, the papers is published in regular issue of SDEE

2600 CHF (Swiss Francs) - APC for publishing in special issue in accordance with the Mathematics policy

The terms of participation:
  • Next, if the paper successfully passess conference review stage and Mathematics review stage, authors provide APC (article processing charge) for the publication in special issue.

Main sessions

The section (round table) discusses instrumental issues of digital transformation in complex technical and socio-economic systems. The transition to the digital economy is accompanied by an increase in the influence of model-based methods of making managerial decisions, the creation and development of which is one of the priority tasks, the solution of which will accelerate the transition to the digital economy in various spheres of human activity. This section (round table) gathers the best practices of digital modelling and system engineering of the digital transformation processes in the economy.

Key directions of the section (round table):

  1. Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE)
  2. Digital technologies for optimizing the companies' activities in the real sector of the economy
  3. Digital modelling in industry
  4. Digital modelling in socio-economic systems
  5. Tools and methods of decision support in organizational systems
  6. Applied software solutions for digital transformation
  7. Industrial data streaming systems 8. Artificial intelligence and big data technologies for digital transformation

This section addresses issues related to the social and economic consequence evaluation of digital innovation implementation. As any innovations, they lead to certain positive and negative outcomes for employees, enterprises, and whole regions. Therefore, during this section, we expect to receive high quality original works, which can contribute, but are not limited to the one or several of the following topics:

  1. Cases of the practical implementation of digital innovations.
  2. Methodological approaches to the social and economic consequence evaluation of digital technology implementation.
  3. Digital technology design and a development cycle.
  4. Development of the approaches to economic efficiency and effectiveness evaluation of digital innovations.
  5. Disruptive innovation assessment as a driver of the regional economic growth.
  6. The impact assessment of digital innovations on social welfare of the region.
  7. Development of the approaches, which can be used by the firms to deliver superior customer experiences and understand how consumer behavior has changed due to this type of innovation.

This section examines various regional innovation systems and clusters in the context of their contribution to the regional and national economic growth in the conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Therefore, during this section we expect works, which can reveal main features and approaches to development of innovation systems, which can become drivers of the economic growth within a new technological paradigm. In addition, we would like to consider some new approaches and frameworks for effectiveness, efficiency and productivity assessment of regional innovation systems and clusters. Therefore, during this section, we expect to receive high quality original works, which can contribute, but are not limited to the one or several of the following topics:

  1. Methodological approaches to regional innovation systems, clusters formation, and their development.
  2. Formation and development of regional innovation systems as an important factor for development of an innovation-driven economy in the regions.
  3. Assessment of the innovation potential level and determination of its limit values in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
  4. Discussion of the development features of regional innovation systems and clusters in different countries: distinctive features and main results achieved.
  5. Prospects of the cluster development of an innovative economy in the regions.

This section examines changes in industry, services and agriculture in the conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The main problem, which we would like to discuss within this section, is how digital transformation penetrates different sectors of the economy. In particular, papers, which are applicable to classical economic concepts related to the problem of digitalization, are appreciated. Therefore, during this section, we expect to receive high quality original works, which can contribute, but are not limited to the one or several of the following topics:

  1. Industrial policy: modern challenges of digitalization.
  2. The change of values in the goal setting of enterprises in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: time-to-market, velocity, and customer satisfaction.
  3. Implementing agile management as a part of the digitalization process.
  4. Digital product design and «digital twins» as a future of the industry.
  5. Assessment of an economic effect of digital transformation in enterprises.
  6. Development of automation and robotization in enterprises.
  7. Introduction of new digital technologies in different sectors of the economy and their impact on business processes and business models: value creation, value deliver, and value appropriation.
  8. Digitalization in industry, services, and agriculture: technological and economic barriers.

This section deals with changes in the labor market in the context of the Fourth Industrial Evolution. We highly appreciate papers, which are devoted to the development of new educational system designs aimed at preparing specialists in the conditions of economy digitalization. In addition, papers dedicated to disruptive digital educational technologies are of high value. Therefore, during this section, we expect to receive high quality original works, which can contribute, but are not limited to the one or several of the following topics:

  1. Consequences of changing the role of human capital in the digital economy.
  2. Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment as a new education standard.
  3. The growing role of freelancers as a trend in the digital age.
  4. Changes in labor taxation in the digital economy and their impact on a state policy.
  5. Assessment of an education quality for the new labor market in the conditions of the digital economy.
  6. Methodological approaches to creation of a motivation system to develop necessary competencies and workforce participation in the digital economy.
  7. The features of changes in the structure of the labor market in the digital economy.

This section examines digital transformation in the government sector. Unlike other sectors, where digital transformation is driven by the desire to maintain competitive positions, the government sector is using technology to improve their citizens’ living. From automation, to using the IoT to make cities smarter, these entities have discovered how to use tech to improve workplace efficiency and improve the lives of citizens. Therefore, during this section, we expect to receive high quality original works, which can contribute, but are not limited to the one or several of the following topics:

  1. Methodological approaches to digital transformation in the government sector.
  2. The features of technology introduction to improve the life quality of citizens at various levels: local, state and federal governments.
  3. The creation of digital government platforms as a necessary requirement of the modern stage of society development.
  4. The cases of the implementation of e-Government models.
  5. IoT сonnected сities as a promising concept that satisfies the conditions of the digital economy.

This section considers the main directions of the digital transformation in the financial sector. For financial establishments, digitalization is more than just adopting technologies such as cloud, big data, social media or mobile. It is more intended to create new business models in order to develop an eco-system where all markets and consumers could participate. Top digital transformation trends in the financial sector are discussed. Therefore, during this section, we expect to receive high quality original works, which can contribute, but are not limited to the one or several of the following topics:

  1. Methodological approaches to the digital transformation in the financial sector.
  2. Mobile banking as a part of a digital banking environment.
  3. Security assessment of digital transformation in the financial sector for companies and people.
  4. Blockchain as the technology behind digital currencies like Bitcoin.
  5. FinTech as a new way to make spending, managing, and investing money.
  6. Assessment of the importance of digital skills and financial literacy in the conditions of digital transformation.


The manuscript for review is submitted to the conference email: ide_manager@spbstu.ru.

The manuscript should follow the IMRaD format :

  • Title
  • Authors
  • Keywords
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Materials and methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgments
  • References

Origin, motivation and contribution

Papers which are prepared for publishing should be original research manuscripts, never published before and not under consideration for publication in any other conference proceeding (journal etc.). All papers are supposed to present novel research results of international interest. Papers need to be related to the main topic of the conference and conference topic fields. We publish papers written in good English only. All papers are reviewed by a native speaker. All papers are thoroughly checked for plagiarism.

After the review process, papers can be recommended for publishing in International Journal of Technology (IJTech) (Scopus, Q2). Theme of special issue corresponds to the conference topics. Maximum of the paper length: 10 pages.

IJTech template (RUS)

IJTech template (ENG)

If authors agree to send their papers for review to the journals’ editorial board, then conference managers will include their papers in the package of 35-40 best selected papers. This package will be sent to the editorial board of International Journal of Technology (IJTech). Editorial board will review these papers and select 15-20 best papers, which will be published in special issues of the journal at November – December of 2024.

Paper should be presented at the conference. Please, note, that if paper is accepted for publishing in journal, it will be subject for ACP (article processing charge payment).

International Journal of Technology (IJTech) is quarterly international referred journal with the objectives to explore, develop, and elucidate the knowledge of engineering design and technology, to keep practitioners and researchers informed on current issues and best practices, as well as serving as a platform for the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and expertise among technology researchers and practitioners.

IJTech is published by Universitas Indonesia. Published papers in IJTech strongly represent the use of sustainable technology in product and service designs for tropical environment.

IJTech is currently indexed in Google scholar, DOAJ, EBSCO, GISI, Index Copernicus, SCOPUS, SCImago, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) Thomson Reuters, Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI), has been accepted for coverage in selected Elsevier product(s), and a member of CrossRef.

According to the reviewing results, we may offer you to publish your manuscript in the journal "Sustainable Development and Engineering Economics.

"Sustainable Development and Engineering Economics is a scientific publication on the topic of sustainable development and engineering economics. The journal publishes original scientific articles and accepts articles on the following main sections:

  • Economics of engineering decisions
  • Enterprises and sustainable development of the regions
  • Regional infrastructure development
  • Management of innovations

The recommended length of the article is 4000-6000 words.

If the authors agree to submit the article to this journal, further submission and article review take place through the SPBPU E-submission system.

The journals do not charge authors for the preparation, reviewing, publishing and posting of articles in the public domain.

All articles have gold open access status. Articles are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).

The publisher of the SDEE journal is Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. The articles published in the journal «Sustainable Development and Engineering Economics» cover the sustainable development topics, as well as innovative solutions in engineering economics.



Publication Ethics

The International Scientific Conference on innovations in digital economy: SPBPU IDE-2024 complies with the ethical standards adopted by the scientific community, in particular, with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics.

The focus is on the responsibility of all participants of the editorial process. For more information, please, read this statement.


The modern studying building with comfortable halls is equipped with everything necessary for conferences and other events. It is located in the new university campus within easy walking distance of the Ploshchad Muzhestva metro station.

St. Petersburg is Europe’s Best Tourist Destination of the year 2017, Europe's Leading Heritage Destination 2018 and Europe's Leading Cruise Destination 2018 atWorld Travel Awards.

We recommend conference participants to book hotels in the city center near the red metro line (it takes about 20 minutes by metro from the city center to the venue).

You can also choose the hotels that are within walking distance of the venue.


Hotel «Sputnik»

36 Toreza prospect
Metro «Ploschad Muzhestva» or Metro «Polyteknicheskaya»
(Distance to SPbPU 1,5 km)

wrappixel kit

Hotel «Orbita»

4 Nepokoryonnyh prospect
Metro «Ploschad Muzhestva»
(Distance to SPbPU 1,3 km)

wrappixel kit

Hotel «Moskva»

2 Alexander Nevskiy Square
Metro «Ploschad Aleksandra Nevskogo»
(Distance to SPbPU 12,1 km)

wrappixel kit

Hotel «Ambassador»

5-7 Rimskiy-Korsakov prospect
Metro «Sennaya/Sadovaya/ Spasskaya»
(Distance to SPbPU 12,1 km)


Hotels Station
***, ****

9 Hotels in the City centre